Magyar Telekom rejigs top exec line-up

dtw140-tt-magyar telekom changes

Source: Magyar Telekom

New tech and finance chiefs to join Hungarian incumbent in early-2025, with Current CTIO Lubor Zatko heading into a new role within Deutsche Telekom.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Deutsche Telekom; IBM Global Services Hungary; Lufthansa Systems; Magyar Telekom; Telekom Deutschland; Unisys Global Services; Yettel.
  • Geographic: Austria; Czech Republic; Germany; Hungary; Poland; Slovakia.
  • People: André Lenz; Daria Dodonova; Gábor Gonda; Lubor Zatko; Péter Nagy; Tibor Rékasi; Zoltán Pereszlényi; Zsuzsa Tóth.
  • Themes: 2G; 5G; Common Operating Model for Europe; Fibre; Gigabit; Group Controlling; Network-sharing; Tower separation.

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