Telefónica taps Spinnaker for Oracle, VMware support in Germany

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Source: Telefónica

German OpCo has opted for US-based third-party software support provider Spinnaker to maintain its legacy Oracle and VMware estates as it focuses on digital transformation.

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Bangalore; Denver; Dubai; Germany; Johannesburg; London; Melbourne; Sao Paulo; Sydney; US.
  • Organisations: Broadcom; KPN; Millicom; Ooredoo; Oracle; SAP; Spinnaker; Spinnaker Support; Telefónica; Telefónica Deutschland; VMware.
  • People: Holger Berndt.
  • Themes: Digital transformation; Enterprise software; IT; Legacy Oracle environment; Oracle estates; Software support; Software-defined data centre; Subscription licensing model; Third-party enterprise software support; VMware estates; Virtualisation strategy.

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