BT’s MAUD to target content super peaks as it scales up

btw363-tt-maud latest

Source: BT

Next-gen IP transmission tech delivers positive results in first live tests, teeing up trials of personalised ads for live and on-demand content.

This article includes:

  • Geographic: France; Suffolk; USA.
  • Organisations: Adastral Park; BBC; BBC Two; BT; Broadpeak; Cisco; EE; Edgio; Qwilt.
  • People: Chris Bramley; Howard Watson.
  • Themes: CDN; MAUD; Multicast-Assistant Unicast Delivery; R&D; ad insertion; broadband routers; content delivery network; dynamic ad insertion; home broadband routers; IP transmission; low-latency streaming; multicast adaptive bitrate; personalised advertising; set-top box TV platform; video technology.

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