‘Mike wanted Srini’: DT released top exec for USA ops mission

dtw143-tt-srini gopalan

Source: Deutsche Telekom

Chief Executive Tim Höttges discusses the reasoning behind key lieutenant Srini Gopalan’s switch from Germany to the USA, and why he was willing to let him leave DT’s European base.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Bharti Airtel; Deutsche Telekom; Lumos; Metronet; T-Mobile; Telekom Deutschland; Vodafone.
  • Geographic: America; Bellevue; Bonn; Europe; Germany; USA.
  • People: Callie Field; Deeanne King; Janice V. Kapner; John Saw; Jon Freier; Mark Nelson; Mike Katz; Mike Sievert; Nestor Cano; Omar Tazi; Peter Osvaldik; Srini Gopalan; Susan Loosmore; Tim Höttges; Ulf Ewaldsson.
  • Themes: AI; Altnets; B2B Services; Broadband; Chief Operating Officer; Consumer Group; Converged

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