Digi, Vodafone close in on Telekom Romania mobile takeover approvals

vfw235-tt-telekom digi update

Digi CEO Serghei Bulgac says regulators are looking at complex acquisition proposal, with feedback expected in the “coming weeks”.

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Bucharest; Europe; Greece; Portugal; Romania; Spain.
  • Organisations: Deutsche Telekom; Digi; iSys Professional Ploiești; OTE Group; Romania Competition Council; Telekom Romania Mobile Communications; Vodafone; Vodafone Greece; Vodafone Romania.
  • People: Achilleas Kanaris; Dominique Leroy; Margherita Della Valle; Nedim Baytorun; Serghei Bulgac.
  • Themes: Antitrust regulations; Broadband; Fleet management; Fleet monitoring solutions; M&A; Mobile; Pay-TV; Synergies

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