Deutsche Telekom Peoplewatch: Diehl clinched as boards reshuffled


Source: Deutsche Telekom

Latest strategic and senior changes at Deutsche Telekom, including recalibration at both supervisory and management board levels; new API boss has MACE up her sleeve; leadership change at infra venture Glasfaser Nordwest; and tech boss Ashouriha completes NGMN Alliance tenure…

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Aduna; Altvia; American Tower; Banglalink; Deutsche Telekom; Ditengy Consulting; Ericsson; EWE; Glasfaser Nordwest; Hrvatski Telekom; MACE; Magenta Telekom; NGMN Alliance; Opanga; Orange; Paradise Mobile; StarHub; Stellantis; T-Business; Telekom Deutschland (TDE); T-Mobile Czech Republic; T-Mobile US (TMUS); T-Systems; T-Wholesale; Vodafone Germany; Vonage; Ziff Davis.
  • Geographies: Asia-Pacific; Bangladesh; Bermuda; Czechia; Europe; Germany; Netherlands; North America; Singapore; United States of America (USA).
  • People: Rodrigo Diehl; Rachel Empey; Srini Gopalan; Katja Hessel; Lars Hinrichs; Tim Höttges; Dr. Helga Jung; Natalie Knight; Stefan Ramge; more…
  • Themes: Application programming interfaces (API); Artificial intelligence (AI); Automotive; Board changes; Cloud; Customer premises equipment; Fibre (FTTP); Healthcare; Hyperscalers; Management changes; Marketing; Network optimisation; People moves; Private equity; Public sector; Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME); Social networking; Venture capital.

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