Latest Premium Insight – Page 97

  • Numbers: no sport and shut businesses take their toll

    Numbers: no sport and shut businesses take their toll


    While whole Group faces headwinds, Consumer and Enterprise take the brunt of COVID-19 impact. The “usual” working capital payments on top of slumping earnings result in negative cash flow for the quarter.

  • Spending: capex surge still around the corner

    Spending: capex surge still around the corner


    Lockdown slows network rollout, but capex remains on track to ramp up from next year. Existing cost cutting to be coupled with pandemic-driven spending reviews for additional sustainable savings. New Huawei rules said not to add to BT’s swap-out burden.

  • Guidance: what’s the worst that can happen?

    Guidance: what’s the worst that can happen?


    Outlook on revenue and EBITDA implies little good news for rest of FY20–21. Earnings growth anticipated in FY21–22, as regulatory headwinds fade and efficiency gains come into play.

  • Divisional highlights: the value of fibre

    Divisional highlights: the value of fibre


    Management ready to look at ways to bring out the value of BT’s emerging fibre infrastructure. Beyond the current crisis and recession fears, BT Global advancing down the path to recovery. Sudden freeze of live events underlines the importance of BT Sport to Consumer division financial performance.

  • St Paul's tube logo

    BT continues to mull post-COVID-19 working options


    Jansen seeks a return to normality. Changes to practices are afoot, however: Work Your Way flexible working initiative launched; distributed working pros and cons explored.

  • BT takes lead on new TIP OpenRAN subgroup

    BT takes lead on new TIP OpenRAN subgroup


    Influential BT researcher in a pivotal role between operators, technologists, and standards groups on Open RAN implementation.

  • Q1 FY20–21: Jansen rallies troops for collective effort

    BT Group Q1 FY20–21


    First full COVID-19 quarter sees a sharp decline in revenue and EBITDA. Outflow of cash as network investment continues. Group CEO Jansen claims mists are clearing, enabling Group to issue guidance for the year — although BT anticipates little improvement until 2021. Openreach progress is the main positive for ...

  • jay-mullings-dkW0_J5eoLc-unsplash

    Elsewhere in BT Consumer: Brexit prep and ESN progress


    Brexit preparations; fairer price commitments; ESN deployment progress.

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    Elsewhere in Openreach: FTTP progress trumpeted


    Fibre rolls past three million; weather and robbers cause disruption; fleet goes electric.

  • btw315-28-nhs

    Elsewhere in BT Enterprise: MedTech roll outs and a win with Mavenir


    BT expands R&D efforts with NHSX, and adds Medic Bleep to its NHS offering. Enterprise expands its connected worker portfolio with Onsight from Librestream.

  • btw315-19-fabric

    Ofcom plots 5G spectrum auction for early-2021


    700MHz and 3.6GHz–3.8GHz frequencies slated to go under hammer in January 2021. Regulator makes some provision to address mid-band fragmentation fears.

  • btw315-14-Moscow

    BT champions DLT to help provision 5G private networks


    Strong Russian flavour to project, with Rostelecom as Catalyst co-champion, and suppliers Nexign, RTC ARGUS among participants. Catalyst to underpin a network resource marketplace for Industry 4.0. Federated DLT Marketplace to meld with two other BT-supported TM Forum programmes, forming “Mega Catalyst”.

  • btw315-07-community-fibre-van

    BT sanguine on DT investment in London fibre rival


    Minority BT stakeholder Deutsche Telekom adding to its UK interests through an investment in social housing-focused fibre altnet Community Fibre. Former EE Chief Olaf Swantee to make a UK return as venture’s Chairman. Community Fibre building a business case on sharing Openreach ducts and poles with aim to reach ...

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    Elsewhere in BT Group: offline training and Newgate revamp


    BT gets permission for Newgate Street revamp; restructuring plans hit resistance; Firebrand flagged as training partner for online and offline. 

  • Q2 FY20: isolated Hispam brings the Group down

    Q2 FY20: isolated Hispam brings the Group down


    Capital efficiency remains a focus as the Group weighs a myriad of options for the future of its Latin American division. Beyond the challenges of the pandemic, tough competition and a relatively low-value customer base are proving a challenge to profitability in the region.

  • Spending: Capex peaks and operational efficiencies rise

    Spending: Capex peaks and operational efficiencies rise


    Management assures infrastructure investment will be maintained, as key in post-COVID-19 world. Customer experience another priority area. Other projects being reined in to free up funds, though, with Abosolo stressing “strict screening” of spend plans

  • Guidance: it’ll all be over by Christmas (2021)

    Guidance: it’ll all be over by Christmas (2021)


    Telefónica said it expects to meet its revised FY20 guidance, although even with the minimal targets it has set itself there is a challenge to be faced.

  • Q2 FY20: Infra ambition to fibre up the world
    Strategy & Change

    Infra ambition to fibre up the world


    Telefónica Infra-Tech Q2 FY20 analysis. Telxius set to expand its remit beyond tower management and subsea cables with ambitions to bring Group fibre deployment expertise to wholesale markets across Europe and Latin America. Investors may be sought to monetise new infrastructure. Telxius Q2 FY20 performance shows resilience in difficult ...

  • Q2 FY20: glimmers of a return to normality

    Telefónica core markets: glimmers of a return to normality


    Group’s key business engines report a mixed set of results, but with signs of recovery emerging over the course of Q2.

  • Q2 FY20: Telefónica distracts as reality bites
    Strategy & Change

    Telefónica Q2 FY20


    Another social pact unveiled as COVID-19 and currency falls combine to wipe €1.5bn of reported revenue in second quarter and shred profitability. Cash generation a priority as strict — and seemingly permanent — spending and investment restrictions are put in place. “Resilience” the key quality attributed to the Group ...