Magyar Telekom boosts DT’s European IT stack meld


Source: Deutsche Telekom

Operator highlights completion of CRM switch as part of ongoing regional platform consolidation effort at parent Deutsche Telekom.

This article includes:

  • Companies: Deutsche Telekom; Magyar Telekom; TM Forum.
  • Geographic: Europe; Hungary.
  • People: Lubor Žatko; Stefan Schloter; Tibor Rékasi.
  • Themes: B2C migration; CRM solution; CRM systems; IT stacks; cloud-native; consumer and business user bases; cross-market complexity; customer experience; customer relationship management; digital capabilities; enterprise segments; fault rates; indirect cost base; legacy applications; network modernisation programme; order fulfilment times; regional harmonisation; regional platform consolidation; service revenue; small- and medium-size enterprise; software engineering synergies; time-to-market; wholesale.

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