DT switches telco API leadership as Aduna advances

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Source: Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom appoints Dr. Chathurangi Wickramasinghe as new API supremo, replacing Peter Arbitter, who has transferred to Aduna, the telco API joint venture he has helped set up. Arbitter takes on responsibility for getting Aduna’s commercial plans up and running amid level of scepticism over the initiative’s likely market impact.

This article includes:

  • Geography: Africa; Asia-Pacific; Austria; Canada; China; Croatia; Czech Republic; Europe; Germany; Greece; Hungary; India; Italy; Latin America; Middle East; Montenegro; Nordics; North Macedonia; Poland; Romania; Slovakia; South Korea; Sweden; USA.
  • Organisations: 4iG; A1 Telekom Austria; Aduna Global; Altvia; América Móvil; AT&T; Bharti Airtel; BT Group; Deutsche Telekom; Ericsson; Google Cloud; Infobip; KDDI; Linux Foundation; Orange; PPF Telecom; Reliance Jio; Sinch; Singtel; Telefonica; Telstra; T-Mobile US; TM Forum; United Group; Verizon; Vodafone; Vonage.
  • People: Anthony Bartolo; Christine Dye; Chathurangi Wickramasinghe; Claudiu Pasa; Courtney Latta; Emil Liedtke; Gabriela Styf Sjöman; Niklas Heuveldop; Peter Arbitter.
  • Themes: API; CAMARA; Chief Commercial Officer; Chief Executive; Chief Financial Officer; Chief Product & Technology Officer; Comms platform-as-a-service; Connectivity; Customer Communications Cloud; DevEdge; Device Location; Fixed Network; Global Product Marketing; Head of Cloud RAN; Identity verification; IT solutions; Magenta API Capability Exposure; MagentaBusiness API; Network performance APIs; Number Verify API; Operate API; Quality-on-Demand; Security; SIM Swap API; Verification API; Vice-President; Wholesale product management.

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