Vodafone–Three MergeCo CEO names UK leadership team

vfw234-tt-uk execs

Source: Vodafone

Max Taylor lines up eleven lieutenants, only three of which come from Three UK as merger completion nears…

This article includes:

  • Events: Vodafone–Three merger.
  • Geographic: Ireland; UK.
  • Organisations: BT; BT Consumer; BT Global; CK Hutchison; EE; O2 Ireland; Orange UK; Three; Three Business; Three Ireland; Three UK; Virgin Media O2; Vodafone Group; Vodafone UK.
  • People: Ahmed ElSayed; Andrea Donà; Andy Yorston; Ashley Cook; Clare Corkish; Darren Purkis; David Hennessy; Emanuele Tournon; Jon Shaw; Kelly Barlow; Margherita Della Valle; Maria Grazia Pecorari; Max Taylor; Mike Tomlinson; Nick Gliddon; Nicki Lyons; Rob Winterschladen; Robert Finnegan; Stephen Lerner; Stephen Reidy.
  • Themes: 5G; B2B; B2C; Consumer; Business; Commercial Operations; Finance; HR; IT; Legal; Networks; Security; Strategy & Portfolio.

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