Vodafone, SpaceMobile to create European SatCo JV

vfw235-tt-spacemobile satco jv

Source: ANIRUDH / Unsplash

Pair unveil plans to launch co-owned satellite services joint venture, with Vodafone locked in as SpaceMobile’s European partner of choice.

This article includes

  • Geographic: Australia; Ghana; Kenya; South Africa; Spain; Turkey; United States; Wales.

  • Organisations: A1 Telkom Austria; América Móvil; AST SpaceMobile; European Union; Intelsat; Kuiper Systems; Lynk Global; Safaricom; SpaceMobile; Starlink; Teleport Uydu Haberlşme; TPG Telecom; Vodacom; Vodafone; Vodafone Foundation; Vodafone Ghana; Vodafone Group; Vodafone Investments; Vodafone Turkey.

  • People: Abel Avellan; Carlos Slim; Elon Musk; Margherita Della Valle; Vittorio Colao.

  • Products/Services/Technology: 4G; 5G; Direct-to-device; Fixed wireless access; Low-Earth orbit; Mobile backhaul; Project Kuiper; SatCo.

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