Vodafone M&A attempt shot down in Portugal

vfw229-tt-nowo off

Source: Luís Feliciano / Unsplash

Proposed Vodafone Portugal acquisition of market minnow Nowo ruled out by local antitrust body, but with potential lessons to take to UK merger wranglings.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Altice Portugal; ANACOM; Autoridade da Concorrência (AdC); Digi; DenseAir; MEO; NOS; Nowo Communications; SAZKAmobil; Swisscom; Three UK; Virgin Media O2; Vodafone Czech Republic; Vodafone Group; Vodafone Hungary; Vodafone Italy; Vodafone Portugal; Vodafone Spain; Zegona Communications.
  • Geographic: Czech Republic; Europe; Hungary; Italy; Portugal; Spain; UK.
  • People: Luís Lopes.
  • Themes: 5G networks; Antitrust; Competition; Customer mobility; Fixed-line services; Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A); Network sharing; Regulatory review; Spectrum.

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