Vodafone Business aims for 5G private network ‘sweet spot’

vfw233-tt-joosten mpns

Source: Vodafone

Momentum appears to be building for 5G MPNs as large enterprises are moving from proof of concepts to multinational deployments.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: BASF; ČEZ Group; Ford; Google; Microsoft; NHS; Perfectum; Porsche Engineering; Snam; Three UK; Vodafone; Vodafone Business; Vodafone Czech Republic; Vodafone Germany; Vodafone Ireland; Vodafone Spain; Vodafone UK; Vodafone US.
  • Geographic: Australia; Czechia; Democratic Republic of Congo; Europe; Italy; Málaga; Puglia; Spain; Temelín; UK; Uruguay; USA; Uzbekistan.
  • People: Andrea Doná; David Joosten; Jaime Diez.
  • Themes: 5G; 5G MPNs; 5G SA; 5G standalone; 5G Ultra; B2B; Cloud Edge; Industry 4.0; Mobile private networks; Partner Markets; Sustainability; Wi-Fi.
  • Events: Telco Sustainability Forum 2024.

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