Safaricom takes hit from Ethiopia biz but stays upbeat on long-term potential

vfw232-tt-safaricom ethiopia q2

Source: Safaricom

More tumult from Safaricom’s Ethiopian venture as local currency depreciation pummels the Group’s earnings in H1 FY24–25, but Chief Executive Peter Ndegwa keeps eye on long-term prize from growing market.

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Ethiopia; Kenya; USA.
  • Organisations: Ethio Telecom; M-PESA; Safaricom; Safaricom Telecommunications Ethiopia; Telebirr.
  • People: Dilip Pal; Peter Ndegwa; Wim Vanhelleputte.
  • Themes: 4G; EBITDA; Ethiopian Birr; GDP; M-PESA

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