Beyond mobile: Vodacom invests in non-core services as a major driver of growth

vfw234-tt-beyond mobile q3

Source: Vodafone

Q3 FY24–25: Operator on track for ‘beyond mobile’ to contribute a quarter of Group service revenue as it advances a ‘dual-sided’ financial services ecosystem. Vodapay and M-PESA continue to play central role in Vodafamily growth, but newest market Ethiopia not yet pulling its weight…

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Africa; Egypt; Ethiopia; Europe; South Africa.
  • Organisations: Ethio Telecom; M-PESA; Safaricom; Safaricom Ethiopia; Telebirr; Vodacom; Vodacom Business; Vodafone; Vodapay.
  • People: Shameel Joosub.
  • Themes: Airtime; Beyond mobile; Cross-border transactions; Digital economy; Digital services; Financial services; Fixed services; Internet of Things (IoT); M-money; Mobile money; Telebirr.
  • Events: Vodacom Q3 FY24-25 earnings call.


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