All Venturing & Investments articles – Page 11
Venturing & Investments
TEAC UK class of 2018: BT focuses on rural and intent
BT holds TEAC UK Wave 2 FInal as part of TIP. Two start-ups win, with another awarded Special Prize.
Venturing & Investments
Telefónica helps reel in vendors for TIP projects
ADVA and Edgecore moving forward with TIP-driven disaggregated gateways for 5G traffic management. Telefónica co-opetition with Vodafone in full flow through OpenRAN group, with early partners named, including Parallel Wireless. Operators’ joint CrowdCell work could lead to the next big thing in small cells.
Venturing & Investments
Welcome interlopers: BT’s TEAC launch event
Opening of the TEAC shows BT embracing a more dynamic approach to identifying disruptive technology, recognising the convergence of telecoms and IT. Startups in the fields of IoT, open networking, and quantum security selected as winners of the six-month innovation search.
Venturing & Investments
Vodafone Ventures arm still on snooze as startups move on and up
Visions of tumbleweed continued to pervade around Vodafone’s rudderless venture capital unit, as its portfolio of past “strategic” investments was allowed to erode further.