All Transformation (change) articles – Page 8
Arch 2022: Vodafone partners on renewable power challenges
Four companies selected to enable telco’s Renewable Power Challenge.
Fÿuz 2022: Metaverse-grade networks are revolutionary
Rakuten’s Amin shows the way; Orange and Telefónica on the case.
Arch 2022: Wibergh signs off, stresses exit as “non-event”
Outgoing Vodafone CTO uses conference to highlight smooth handover of reins, citing succession planning, reorg, and strategic refresh.
Fÿuz 2022: Integration tops open RAN issues for operators
Generally optimistic view on open RAN despite integration challenges.
Strategy & Change
Telefónica plotting new strategy as macro headwinds bite
Group reportedly calls in McKinsey to overhaul strategic plans.
Partnerships & Alliances
Vodafone’s giant Google Cloud migration gathers pace
Accenture, Google Cloud, and SAP to “co-shape” three-year SAP migration project.
Network & Infrastructure
BT’s Mehta gets the architects in for IT rebuild
Trio of architecture directors assigned to BT’s customer-facing units as part of Harmeen Mehta’s organisational changes.
Opinion: Networks’ succession the final piece in recasting ‘New BT’
Domineering Chief Architect understood to be moving on; ironically, next stop rumoured to be IT-land. (Departure not yet officially confirmed, but follows months of rumours.) Updated to include coverage of Neil McRae’s own chronicle of his time and achievements at BT.
McRae exits as BT hits Networks refresh
Forthright Chief Architect rumbled as first big name departure ahead of BT Networks refresh.
Strategy & Change
BT aims for ZeroOps in service transformation
Service management overhaul underway across the Group.
Public Affairs
AI and IoT in sport: helping hand or threatening force?
Carlsen–Niemann chess scandal kindles debate around how to combat combined, nefarious use of capabilities of AI and wearables.
Vendor Voice
BMC: IT streamlining will drive network value creation
The more virtualised telco networks become, the more relevant IT experience in overseeing complexity becomes.
Network & Infrastructure
Modi hears 5G plans from Airtel, Jio but nothing from Vi
Vi keeps quiet on 5G intentions at India Mobile Congress, inaugurated on Saturday by Prime Minister Modi.
Wibergh at Vodafone: CTO’s legacy of unescaped telco legacy
Effective telco nightwatchman but existential digital challenges remain unaddressed.
Products & Services
BT targets co-creation and consistency with Digital design labs
BT fleshes out design teams and opens User Research Labs to drive asset co-creation initiatives.
BT lines up Liverpool for Better Workplace revamp
Liverpool is set to follow Sheffield in the latest of BT’s Better Workplace office investment projects.
Partnerships & Alliances
Vodafone NZ continues disentanglement from Vodafone
Former Vodafone outpost completes three-year programme to upgrade and migrate multiple IT systems away from ex-parent.
New boss for BT’s digital buying ecosystem
Diarmuid O’Donoghue fills gap left by Adam Brown at helm of BT’s purchasing efficiency-focused Digital Procurement Garage initiative.
BT pledges multimillion-pound Sheffield hub investment
Group lines up Sheffield offices for investment under the Better Workplace rationalisation programme.
Strategy & Change
Future network will be massive, blockchain‑led computer
Telefónica’s Executive Chairman is urging operators to embrace the collaborative spirit that enabled roaming to create a new connectivity platform.