Vivo eyes windfall by ditching copper assets

tfw191-tt-vivo copper

Source: Denis Yosifov / Unsplash

Brazilian telco seeks a commercial, operational, and financial win by extracting and selling its legacy copper network.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações; BT; Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec; EMR; FiBrasil; Orange; Telefónica; Telefónica España; Telefónica Infra; Telefónica|Vivo; Telesp; Vivo.
  • Geographic: Brazil; Canada; São Paulo; Spain.
  • People: Christian Gebara.
  • Themes: ARPU; Authorisation instrument; Broadband; Commodity trading; Concession contract; Copper assets; Copper decommissioning; Copper extraction; Copper network; Cross-selling; Digital services; FTTH; Fixed-line services; Free cash flow; Legacy fixed-line business; Legacy platform; Next-gen wireline infra; PSTN services; Private networks; Revenue-generating units; Telecoms.

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