Telefónica’s network ops boss to lead Vodafone fibre JV

tfw191-tt-fiberpass montage

Source: Montage: Telefónica; Vodafone Spain; Umberto / Unsplash

Spanish operators put more pieces in place for 3.6 million premises fibre venture, naming a CEO and unveiling its branding. Regulatory approval and third-party investor outreach also seen as progressing, ahead of mid-2025 target. Read more…

This article includes:

  • AXA; Barclays; BBVA; Bluevía; Crédit Agricole Assurances; Fiberpass; FiBrasil; GIC; IDB Invest; InfraVia Capital Partners; Internet para Todos; KKR; Lyntia Networks; MásOrange; Meta; Nabiax; OnNet Fibra Chile; OnNet Fibra Colombia; Olin Group; Pontegadea; Telxius; Telefónica España; Vauban Infrastructure Partners; Vodafone Spain; Zegona Communications; Brazil; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Europe; Germany; International; Latin America; Peru; Singapore; Spain; United Kingdom; Amancio Ortega; Eamonn O’Hare; Emilio Gayo; Francisco Román; Pablo Ledesma.

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