Synergy-seeking Vivo employs PwC as new auditor


Source: Unsplash / Scott Graham

Vivo becomes third ‘core’ Telefónica operating business to select PwC for auditing services, dropping contract with Baker Tilly. Unit claims the move will enable increased operational synergies, and better aligns Vivo with Group’s other core interests. Read more

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Baker Tilly; Deloitte; Ernst & Young; KPMG; PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC); Telefónica Deutschland (O2 Germany); Telefónica Group; Telefónica|Vivo; Virgin Media O2 (VM O2).
  • Geographies: Brazil; Europe; Germany; Latin America; Spain; United Kingdom (UK).
  • People: Laura Abasolo; José María Álvarez-Pallete; Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
  • Themes: Accounting; Auditing services; Consolidated financial statements; Financial auditing; Financial results; Operational synergies; Share buyback; Strategy.

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