O2 Germany gives voice to network cloud with Mavenir IMS


Source: O2 Germany

Latest chapter in now strategically-prioritised migration of network into the cloud sees modernisation of existing virtualised IMS solution for all of brownfield pathfinder’s voice services. Director of Networks’ Matthias Sauder envisions “new routes to value” for operator and customers…

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Chile; Colombia; Germany; Munich; Peru; United Kingdom (UK).
  • Organisations: Amazon Web Services (AWS); Ericsson; Mavenir; NEC; Nokia; Rakuten Symphony; Telefónica; Telefónica Deutschland (O2 Germany); Telefónica Group; Telefónica UK; Virgin Media O2 (VM O2).
  • People: Matthias Sauder.
  • Themes: 4G; 5G; Accelerated Growth & Efficiency Plan; Brownfield-pathfinding transition; Cloud-Native IMS (IP multimedia subsystem); Cloud radio access (C-RAN) architecture; Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Testing framework; Microservices; Reduced capability (RedCap) technology; Virtual radio access network (vRAN); Voice-over-LTE (VoLTE); Voice-over-New Radio.

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