New Telefónica boss plots strategy shift amid European ‘winds of change’

tfw191-tt-marc murtra

Source: Telefónica

Strategic review to consider implications of “drastic changes” ahead in Europe, says new Group Executive Chairman Marc Murtra.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: European Commission; Goldman Sachs; MásOrange; Telecom Argentina; Telefónica; Three UK; Vodafone Spain; Vodafone UK; Zegona Communications.
  • Geographic: Argentina; Asia; Brazil; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; Spain; UK; US.
  • People: Andrew Lee; Enrico Letta; José María Álvarez-Pallete; Marc Murtra; Mario Draghi.
  • Themes: Capital Markets Day; CAGR; Digital Networks Act; EBITDAaL; Future of European Competitiveness report; GPS strategy; M&A; Strategic autonomy; Strategic review; White Paper.
  • Events: Telefónica FY24 results.

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