All Sigma Systems articles
Suppliers & SCM
Virgin Media O2 puts Hansen on five-year tech revamp mission
Australian software provider Hansen to support UK joint venture on digital transformation and wider business revival plan.
Suppliers & SCM
O2 heads down under for customer tech refresh
Australian software provider Hansen joins gang of suppliers working on German OB’s wide-reaching digital transformation. Vendor sees potential to expand its footprint to other Telefónica geographies. O2 front-loads licence purchases.
BT demos onboarding proof of concept for IoT
BT showcased its onboarding PoC at the Digital Transformation Asia event in Malaysia.
Partnerships & Alliances
Deutsche Telekom: introvert telcos plan mould-breaking 5G party (DTW19)
DT plans to step up “conversations” with partners in a bid to ensure 5G return-on-investment. Execs concede telcos remain “quite poor” on enabling collaboration. ’Fast telecoms’-vision mooted, with repeatability across numerous services, but can traditionally closed telcos deliver? Hints of increased focus on services long-tail, and beyond flagship tie-ups. ...
Innovation (R&D)
TM Forum DTW19: 2019 Catalysts spark pragmatic innovation
Rundown of key Catalysts, joint initiatives. More than 30 joint technology projects demoed, with assurance, partnering, and customer experience to fore. Operator preoccupations ahead of 5G include profitability and effectiveness of network slicing. Drones, emergency services, and healthcare among focus verticals.