Spain launches second 5G SA funding call


Spain opens bidding for second edition of UNICO-5G Redes Activas programme, providing €87.69m initially to accelerate 5G standalone rollout in additional rural areas of the country.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Digi Spain; MÁSMÓVIL; MásOrange; Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública (Ministry for the Digital Transformation and Civil Service); Telefónica España; Telefónica Group; Vodafone Spain.
  • Geographies: Europe; Spain.
  • Themes: 4G; 5G; 5G standalone (5G SA); Bidding processes; Bitstream; Broadband; Competition; Digital transformation; Fibre (FTTP); Mobile network operators; Network sharing; National roaming; Rural connectivity; Spectrum; Wireless infra.

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