Orange to create 6,000 jobs as part of career development plan

orw-tt-6000 jobs

Source: Eric Prouzet / Unsplash

Orange has signed a GEPP agreement with unions after seven months of negotiations, with key measures including voluntary part‑time work for seniors.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Orange; France Télécom; MásOrange; Orange Business; Orange France; Unión Sindical Obrera.
  • People: Didier Lombard; Louis Pierre Wenès; Olivier Berducou; Vincent Lecerf.
  • Themes: Apprenticeships; Employment; ERE process; GEPP; Headcount reduction; Human resources; Job creation; Mobility leave; Part-time work; Restructuring; Social dialogue; Telecoms; Voluntary redundancies; Workplace health.

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