Orange seeks home advantage with new value added services and store


Source: Orange

Home services head Chem Assayag emphasises need to identify specific offerings that will have customer appeal.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Arcadyan; AT&T; Bell Canada; Bouygues Telecom; BT; Charter Communications; Claro; Iliad; Orange; prpl Foundation; SoftAtHome; TIM; Verizon; Vodafone; Wi-Fi Alliance; ZTE.
  • Geographies: Europe; France; Jordan; Luxembourg; Middle East; Poland; Romania; Spain.
  • People: Chem Assayag; Antoine Drevon.
  • Themes: Applications; Artificial intelligence (AI); Energy management; Home surveillance; Monetisation; Multi-link operation; Open source; Products and services; Strategy; Value-added services; Wi-Fi; XGS-PON.

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