Orange keeps door open for reconsolidation of JVs

orw-tt-fy24 consolidation

Source: Zulian Firmansyah / Unsplash

CEO Christel Heydemann says the emphasis for now is on creating value for shareholders, but Group retains the option to bring Spanish asset MásOrange and national FibreCos back into the fold.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: American Tower; APG; Caisse des Dépôts; Cellnex; CNP Assurances; EDF Invest; El Economista; FibreCos; La Banque des Territoires; MásMovil; MásOrange; Orange; Orange Business; Orange Concessions; Orange Poland; Standard & Poor’s; Światłowód Inwestycje; Telefónica; Totem; TowerCos; Vantage Towers; Vodafone; Vodafone Spain; Zegona Communications.
  • Geographic: Africa; Europe; France; Middle East; Poland; Spain.
  • People: Christel Heydemann; Jacek Kunicki; Laurent Martinez; Marco Patuano.
  • Themes: EBITDA; FTTH; FibreCo; IPO; JV; TowerCo; balance sheet; broadband; cash allocation; deleveraging; dividend; fibre; gearing; infrastructure; investment grade rating; leverage ratio; mobile network; net debt; public initiative networks; reconsolidation; revenue; shareholder distribution; synergies; tenancy ratio.
  • Events: Orange FY24 earnings call.

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