Orange Belgium has done its prep for Digi exam, assure execs

orw-tt-belgium digi

Source: Orange

Newly-bulked-up Belgian operator points to FY24 numbers, FY25 growth forecast, and remaining pool of VOO merger synergies as reasons for optimism in face of challenge from expansive European disruptor Digi.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: BIPT; Citymesh; Digi; Hey!; Institut belge des services postaux et des télécommunications; Monizze; Nowo Communications; Orange Belgium; Proximus; Telekom Romania Mobile Communications; Vodafone Romania.
  • Geography: Anderlecht; Belgium; Brussels; Europe; France; Germany; Italy; Luxembourg; Molenbeek; Netherlands; Portugal; Romania; Spain.
  • People: Antoine Chouc; Serghei Bulgac; Xavier Pichon.
  • Themes: 5G spectrum auction; Broadband; Cable customers; Converged plans; Cybercrime prevention; Data allowances; Digital inclusion; Digital skills training; Earnings growth forecast; Fibre expansion; Fixed-line broadband services; Loyalty programme; Mobile plans; MVNO-to-MNO transition; Pay-TV services.

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