Iliad CEO remains ‘pragmatic’ on deal-making opportunities in France, Italy


Source: Unsplash / Clay LeConey

Potential M&A in the two markets is tempting for different reasons, although Thomas Reynaud says Iliad in Italy and Free in France can continue to operate quite happily as standalone businesses.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: AGCOM; Bouygues Telecom; Cassa Depositi e Prestiti; CVC Capital Partners; Fastweb; Free; Ho; Iliad; Iliad Italy; Kena; KKR; La Poste Mobile; Optics BidCo; Orange; Post Italiane; Swisscom; Telecom Italia (TIM); Very Mobile; Vivendi; Vodafone Group; Vodafone Italy; WindTre.
  • Geographies: Europe; France; Italy; Poland.
  • People: Christel Heydemann; Pietro Labriola; Thomas Reynaud; Nicolas Thomas.
  • Themes: 4G; 5G; Broadband; Consolidation; Fibre (FTTP); Fixed broadband; Legislation; Mergers and acquisitions (M&A); Mobile; NetCos; Organic growth; Pricing pressure; Telecoms subscribers.

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