German spectrum fracas latest: regulator urged to revise rules

tt-german spectrum fracas

Source: Marcel Strauß / Unsplash

A new twist has emerged in Germany’s ongoing spectrum saga as the Federal Cartel Office criticises the telecoms regulator’s plans for licence extensions this year, leaving mobile operators in doubt about the shape of their future spectrum holdings.

This article includes:

  • Geographic: Germany; Europe.
  • Organisations: 1&1; Bundeskartellamt; Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr; Bundesnetzagentur; Deutsche Telekom; Ewe Tel; Federal Administrative Court; Federal Cartel Office; Freenet; Telefónica Deutschland; Vodafone Germany.
  • People: Klaus Müller; Wolfgang Kopf.
  • Themes: 2.6GHz; 5G connectivity; 800MHz; Coverage obligations; Federal elections; Licence extensions; Mobile communications; Mobile network operators; Mobile virtual network operators; National roaming; Network access; Political influence; Spectrum; Wholesale obligations.

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