Germany’s MNOs win five-year spectrum extension, with strings attached


Source: Freepik / kjpargeter

German telecoms regulator set higher coverage targets and sharing obligations in exchange for extending spectrum licences for five years for the three largest mobile operators.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: 1&1; Bundeskartellamt (BKartA); Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA); Deutsche Telekom; Federal Cartel Office; Federal Networks Agency; Telefónica Deutschland (O2 Germany); Vodafone Germany.
  • Geographies: Europe; Germany.
  • People: Ralph Dommermuth; Markus Haas; Klaus Müller.
  • Themes: 5G; Artificial intelligence (AI); Digitalisation; Fibre (FTTP); Gigabit connectivity; Internet of Things (IoT); Mobile segment; Mobile virtual network operators (MVNO); National roaming; Network expansion; Spectrum.

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