More on EMEA Telco Leaders – Page 242

  • Tfw#146-security-uk
    Enterprise (B2B)

    Telefónica creates new unit to target UK security space


    Operator is looking to build an international platform for new Telefónica Cibersecurity Tech division. Targeting markets inside and outside its footprint.

  • BTw#315-bt-sport-set-manda

    BT readies itself to ward off unwanted advances


    With its share price deflated, dividend suspended, and a series of financial challenges on the horizon, BT Group is consulting on the best way to shore its defences against unsolicited bids. Boutique banker and trusted Vodafone advisor Robey Warshaw may be added to BT defence team. KKR emerges as ...

  • Gavin Patterson, CEO, BT Group

    BT job was “brutal” says ex-CEO Patterson


    Former CEO claims he did not feel criticism towards end of BT tenure. Prefers ‘can-do’ mindset of Silicon Valley. BT decision making presented as paper-based and sluggish by comparison.

  • Spending: Capex peaks and operational efficiencies rise

    Spending: Capex peaks and operational efficiencies rise


    Management assures infrastructure investment will be maintained, as key in post-COVID-19 world. Customer experience another priority area. Other projects being reined in to free up funds, though, with Abosolo stressing “strict screening” of spend plans

  • Guidance: it’ll all be over by Christmas (2021)

    Guidance: it’ll all be over by Christmas (2021)


    Telefónica said it expects to meet its revised FY20 guidance, although even with the minimal targets it has set itself there is a challenge to be faced.

  • Q2 FY20: Infra ambition to fibre up the world
    Strategy & Change

    Infra ambition to fibre up the world


    Telefónica Infra-Tech Q2 FY20 analysis. Telxius set to expand its remit beyond tower management and subsea cables with ambitions to bring Group fibre deployment expertise to wholesale markets across Europe and Latin America. Investors may be sought to monetise new infrastructure. Telxius Q2 FY20 performance shows resilience in difficult ...

  • Q2 FY20: glimmers of a return to normality

    Telefónica core markets: glimmers of a return to normality


    Group’s key business engines report a mixed set of results, but with signs of recovery emerging over the course of Q2.

  • Q2 FY20: Telefónica distracts as reality bites
    Strategy & Change

    Telefónica Q2 FY20


    Another social pact unveiled as COVID-19 and currency falls combine to wipe €1.5bn of reported revenue in second quarter and shred profitability. Cash generation a priority as strict — and seemingly permanent — spending and investment restrictions are put in place. “Resilience” the key quality attributed to the Group ...

  • Financial highlights: generating cash and cutting costs

    Financial highlights: generating cash and cutting costs


    Telefónica’s numbers for the quarter to 30 June 2020 (Q2 FY20) made grim reading.

  • Q1 FY20–21: Group sticks to script in face of COVID

    Vodafone Q1 FY20–21


    What ‘new normal’? Leadership pressing on with long-running efficiency and asset sale plans regardless of coronavirus disruption. Hints of bottlenecks owing to top duo’s workload. Group Finance’s €1bn cost-cutting plan “proceeding very well”. Footprint retrenchment not necessarily done, with some OpCos still appearing stuck on the margins. Currency weakness ...

  • Spend: no obvious change of course, post-COVID-19

    Vodafone Q1 FY20–21 spend: no obvious change of course, post-COVID-19


    Any post-COVID-19 spend strategy changes appear to either be being kept under wraps, or subjugated by leadership focus on keeping the business on track.

  • Headline performance: Germany and the rest

    Vodafone Q1 FY20–21 headline performance: Germany and the rest


    COVID-19 blow cushioned: strength in Germany and Portugal, with mixed performances elsewhere. Currency weakness turning Read’s focus on Africa sour.

  • Vivo and co seek exclusivity as Oi measures up suitors

    Vivo and co seek exclusivity as Oi measures up suitors


    Vivo, TIM, and Claro back in the driving seat on Oi assets acquisition as exclusive talks resume. Oi rejects proposals from private equity-funded infrastructure provider Highline. Vivo could bolster its weak north-east base. TIM may have most at stake in bidding, with speculation it would take the lion’s share ...

  • vfw188-26-aviat-convergence

    Safaricom puts Aviat and Nokia to work on 5G prep


    Kenyan operator taps old friend Aviat Networks for 5G backhaul as the country preps for commercial 5G rollout. Nokia’s Gigabit Passive Optical Networking will be deployed to combat increased bandwidth demands in the country.

  • dtw097-tt-telekom-romania-exit

    DT half-way out of Romania (maybe)


    Agreement “in principle” reportedly struck between Orange and Romania’s government to take over Telekom Romania’s fixed-line business. Mobile arm still up for sale, as DT struggles to find full escape velocity from underperforming market.

  • tfw146-tt-axismed

    Telefónica drops AxisMed


    Group offloads care management specialist to Atrys Health. A pivot from ‘provider’ to ‘partner’ in Telefónica’s healthcare strategy.

  • vfw188-1-vha-new-slate

    Vodafone starts (another) new slate in Australia


    Radical new corporate set-up for CEO Berroeta. Teoh (and son Shane) join the board. Mobile and fixed network “synergies” a priority. Multi-brand strategy sees Vodafone sit alongside slew of TPG sub-brands.

  • DTw#97-junction-ht-mostar

    Government takes on Hrvatski Telekom over Mostar stake


    Speculation over telecoms privatisation process in Bosnia and Herzegovina bubbles up again, pushing Hrvatski Telekom and Deutsche Telekom to consider options.

  • O2 meets interim target on coverage obligations

    O2 meets interim target on coverage obligations


    Operating business back on track with LTE rollout after supply chain troubles, but is still playing catch-up on coverage obligations.

  • Services at the core of enigmatic Telefónica Tech
    Strategy & Change

    Services at the core of enigmatic Telefónica Tech


    Beyond the big talk about Telefónica Tech, associated revenue remains modest, and growth not immune to pandemic impacts.