All Mobile World Congress (MWC) articles – Page 7

  • José Ramón Gómez Utrilla discussing Telefónica's AURA strategy
    Products & Services

    Telefónica ramps up AURA


    Telefónica provided insights into its AURA strategy, including more market launches. Microsoft’s position as a partner remains a core element of the project. Commitment reiterated to overcoming the challenge of combining local services with a central unified vision.

  • Arch Summit Day 1

    Arch Summit 2019: Special Report


    Arch Summit now established as a forum for Vodafone suppliers and partners. Wibergh teases-out Vodafone’s Technology 2025 strategy; fuelled by ‘radical simplification’ mantra, ‘Technology Communications Company’ goal. VPC’s Wilson walks-the-digital-walk with SCM Control Centre; outlines multi-dimensional supply chain (and partnering) vision. £50m-budget Group Foundation getting commercial with VBV investment ...

  • VMware sign

    Vodafone Group gets more NFV vim from VMware


    Vendor’s telco cloud infrastructure active in 15 Vodafone markets. Vodafone hatches plans with Orange to make VNF onboarding easier.

  • García on small steps, and big leaps, for virtualisation