All Mobile World Congress (MWC) articles – Page 7
Products & Services
Telefónica ramps up AURA
Telefónica provided insights into its AURA strategy, including more market launches. Microsoft’s position as a partner remains a core element of the project. Commitment reiterated to overcoming the challenge of combining local services with a central unified vision.
Arch Summit 2019: Special Report
Arch Summit now established as a forum for Vodafone suppliers and partners. Wibergh teases-out Vodafone’s Technology 2025 strategy; fuelled by ‘radical simplification’ mantra, ‘Technology Communications Company’ goal. VPC’s Wilson walks-the-digital-walk with SCM Control Centre; outlines multi-dimensional supply chain (and partnering) vision. £50m-budget Group Foundation getting commercial with VBV investment ...
Vodafone Group gets more NFV vim from VMware
Vendor’s telco cloud infrastructure active in 15 Vodafone markets. Vodafone hatches plans with Orange to make VNF onboarding easier.