All Margherita Della Valle articles – Page 9

  • vfw192-32-storm

    Headline numbers: weathering the storm, for now


    Key numbers relatively solid, reflecting telecoms sector’s cushioning from worst of pandemic disruption. Cost-cutting props up earnings, offsetting top-line weakness. Results preceded latest coronavirus response measures, which will have exacerbated drag on roaming revenue. Government support measures and resumption of international travel cited as key to maintaining solidity.

  • Visita centre nou Vodafone

    Guidance: tightly-wound numbers obscure future


    On a like-for-like basis, Vodafone Group is holding its own in the pandemic so far and leadership appears confident regarding short-term outlook. Longer-term prospects remain a question mark, however, especially as cost-cutting — rather than the top-line growth — is keeping the Group on a steady course. Asset sales ...

  • vfw192-33-sim

    Spend: Della Valle dials it up on COVID cost-cutting


    CFO flags acceleration of savings push during H1, and possibility of a further expansion of ambitions for the post-COVID era. Planned developments at Vodafone Procurement Company briefly mooted. Stark Retail and Shared Services cutbacks detailed.

  • vfw192-12-read-q2b

    Europe: Read stresses asset line-up is not settled


    Vodafone leadership considering next phase of Group strategy, and indicates M&A moves could form part of new medium-term plan. Group open to solutions in markets not generating sufficient return on capital employed. Germany’s importance to Vodafone on display again; commitment to other markets less obvious.

  • vfw196-26-sa-helps-vodacom

    Africa: resilient SA helps Vodacom through crisis


    Vodacom continues to perform well despite regulatory and macro pressures across its regional footprint. However, unfavourable currency trends remain fly in the ointment when Group’s results are translated to Vodafone’s P&L. No sign yet that Vodafone management is going cool on its commitment to Africa, despite weaknesses and willingness ...

  • dtw100-tt-drillisch-soldiers-on
    Partnerships & Alliances

    Drillisch soldiers on with roaming talks


    Prospective MNO confirms it is seeking one national roaming agreement. DT’s Höttges questions whether potential rival is serious about building its own 5G network. Talks with Telefónica described as ‘constructive’.

  • Q1 FY20–21: Group sticks to script in face of COVID

    Vodafone Q1 FY20–21


    What ‘new normal’? Leadership pressing on with long-running efficiency and asset sale plans regardless of coronavirus disruption. Hints of bottlenecks owing to top duo’s workload. Group Finance’s €1bn cost-cutting plan “proceeding very well”. Footprint retrenchment not necessarily done, with some OpCos still appearing stuck on the margins. Currency weakness ...

  • Spend: no obvious change of course, post-COVID-19

    Vodafone Q1 FY20–21 spend: no obvious change of course, post-COVID-19


    Any post-COVID-19 spend strategy changes appear to either be being kept under wraps, or subjugated by leadership focus on keeping the business on track.

  • Margherita Della Valle

    Vodafone’s Della Valle joins Reckitt Benckiser board


    Vodafone’s CFO lines up against former boss Vittorio Colao after starting consumer brand side-hussle.

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  • vfw186-1-vfd-store

    Vodafone Q4 FY19–20 management update: staying the course, post-coronavirus


    Read infers Group is better placed, post-Colao for economic downturn. Della Valle confirms new, AT Kearney-inspired €1bn cost-cutting plan, after trailering move in late-2019. No disruption to Read’s M&A overhaul, beyond Egypt. Targets hit but glitchy performance, both at OpCos and Vodafone Business.

  • vfw186-tt-vodafone-fy19-fy20-results-vodafonewatch

    Vodafone FY19–20 quick take: no change here


    Read infers Group is better placed, post-Colao for economic downturn. Della Valle confirms new, AT Kearney-inspired €1bn cost-cutting plan, after trailering move in late-2019. No disruption to Read’s M&A overhaul, beyond Egypt. Targets hit but glitchy performance, both at OpCos and Vodafone Business.

  • vfw183-01-01-vodafone-village-milan

    Vodafone’s Q3 FY19–20 management update


    Group sneaks another par score but still not really on-form. Call comes too early for coronavirus impact discussion. Focus remains on Read’s drive to minimise Vodafone. Gradual steadying of ship enables another quarter of slim growth. Churn reduction remains the key goal in Vodafone’s chosen battleground of Europe. RoW ...

  • Spend: Group eyes the next billion (savings, not users)

    Vodafone Group eyes the next billion (savings, not users)


    Strategic taster for 2020s is — predictably — cost-focused. Germany and UK in firing line for €1bn savings push.

  • Headlines: growth regained but few cylinders fully firing

    Vodafone Group Q2 FY19-20: growth regained but few cylinders fully firing


    Margin growth on repeat. Europe Region and enterprise spluttering. India shunted further from books.

  • Recovery drags at increasingly Germanic Region

    Vodafone Q2 FY19-20: Europe recovery drags at increasingly Germanic Region


    Bulked-up Vodafone Germany now driving more than half of Europe Region cash flow, as other big OpCos’ struggle for form continues. Read’s commercial changes yet to ignite revival in Group’s core region. Drastic Spanish overhaul or exit still on cards. Group still to internalise Europe’s regulatory challenges.

  • Duo double down on reforms

    Vodafone Group Q2 FY19-20: Duo double down on reforms


    Leadership reach for scalpel again; new savings plan in pipeline and asset sales remain high on agenda. Debt increase stresses diminishing cash wiggle-room; focus remains on cash flow improvement. Patchy Q2 trends: major OpCos spluttering, but Group inches back into growth.

  • Vodafone Group reported its commercial and financial numbers for the quarter to 30 June 2019

    Vodafone Group management update: Q1 FY19–20


    Pickup seen following revenue slump, but leadership still focused on asset sales to reduce debt and preserve cash flow. Read primes stakeholders for multi-billion euro tower reorg.

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    Vodafone Q4 FY18-19 spend: offset on track


    With well drying up and 5G costs rising, leverage reduction is focus for “next few years”. Opex savings plan ahead of schedule, says Della Valle. Fibre splurge looks over, with capex reins kept on tight.

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    Vodafone Q4 FY18-19 headlines: headwinds and data fog


    Little cause for cheer in top-line trends.