Latest Virgin Media O2 Insight – Page 24

  • BT ends inflation‑only price hikes to fund fibre
    Consumer (B2C)

    BT ends inflation-only price hikes to fund fibre


    CPI + 3.9% set as new price rise formula across BT’s consumer products. Covering increased infrastructure investment is the party line, but move is an awkward reversal of recent commitment to inflation-only increases. Liberty Global’s CEO Fries describes the switch as a “whoops” moment for the rival to his ...

  • btw#316-roadworks-fttp
    Network & Infrastructure

    BT fires another warning shot over fibre roadblocks


    Without the right “policy, legislative and fiscal enablers”, BT warns full-fibre nationwide coverage will not happen until 2033. Government target for universal coverage of “Gigabit-capable broadband” is 2025.

  • Tfw#147-virgin-media-van-fries-jmap

    Fries and Álvarez-Pallete: two minds on UK JV


    While Telefónica and Liberty said to be on same page on O2–Virgin Media integration, respective chiefs hinted at varying concerns and strategic priorities linked to the progress of the JV.

  • tfw#147-finnegan-three

    New Three boss snipes at O2–Virgin merger


    Finnegan doubtful on merits of O2–Virgin Media deal, but bullish on leading further UK consolidation.

  • BTw#315-openreach-van-blurred-ni
    Network & Infrastructure

    Openreach NI pushes to keep pace in dynamic Gigabit contest


    Openreach Northern Ireland accelerating full-fibre rollout as challengers expand their ambitions. Market has highest full-fibre coverage in UK, but urban–rural divide persists. Startup Fibrus takes on Openreach and Virgin Media. Long-awaited, £165m Project Stratum to be awarded soon.

  • tfw146-25-horizon

    Telefónica: Elsewhere in core markets


    O2 Banking charge on the horizon. OBs find silver linings in pandemic response.

  • Tfw#146-lutz-schuler

    Schüler plays down top-job rivalry at Virgin–O2


    Virgin Media’s Schüler keeps his cool on competing with Telefónica’s Mark Evans for CEO role.

  • jose-maria-alvarez-pallete-2018-01

    Q2 FY20 first take: Telefónica distracts as reality bites


    Another social pact unveiled as COVID-19 and currency falls combine to wipe €1.5bn off reported revenue, and shred profitability. Cash generation a priority as strict — and seemingly permanent — spending and investment restrictions are put in place. Telefónica Infra ambition emerging as plans for new wholesale fibre networks ...

  • Red benches house of lords
    Suppliers & SCM

    Lords pressures BT on Huawei human rights record


    Lords pushing to raise obligations of infrastructure owners to police the supply chain in a way that goes beyond current modern slavery legislation. Government recognised concerns as legitimate, but prioritising improving UK infrastructure rollout. Proposed amendments could put exclusion of Huawei from fixed infrastructure on a faster track than ...

  • btw314-21-duct-tunnel

    Government eyes open infrastructure as 2025 plan stalls


    DCMS looking at encouraging greater sharing across utilities and telecoms infrastructure, and encouraging Openreach to make use of rivals’ assets. UK government beating drum of infrastructure investment as part of the pandemic response, but references to 2025 Gigabit network deadlines fading into background.

  • tfw#144-o2-ice-cream
    Network & Infrastructure

    O2 gives 4G a pre-tie-up top-up


    UK operating business seeks to bolster “national champion” pitch ahead of Virgin Media merger. Focus is on eliminating 4G ‘not-spots’ and boosting 4G and 5G coverage at tourist attractions.

  • tfw#144-lockers

    Fries on VM-O2 merger: don’t mention the tax breaks


    Liberty Global anticipates substantial opportunities for savings by injecting Virgin Media tax losses into O2, but Fries wary that such behaviour may not chime with goal of creating new UK “national champion”.

  • btw313-17-klaus-martiny-collaboration

    Game on as Virgin swoops for Three backhaul contract


    Virgin Media is positioning itself as a BT backhaul alternative, but appeal may be curbed by O2 links.

  • btw313-5-o23-merger

    BT to face bona fide converged challenge from VM–O2


    Liberty Global and Telefónica Group creating a UK “connectivity champion” that will leapfrog Sky to become a close second competitor to BT Group. BT confident in its lead in the convergence race, and upbeat on consolidation opportunities, but Spanish fibre know-how and comparable digital portfolio could present new threat. ...

  • tfw#144-o23-merger

    EU court ruling could revive network consolidation


    Commission found to have been wrong to block O2–Three merger, based on commitment to upholding four-player mobile markets in larger countries. While not yet final, the court’s decision may fire the starting pistol for a renewed wave of consolidation among telcos struggling to manage competition. Commissioner Vestager side-steps comment ...

  • vfw186-22-smartphones-on-desk-vodafone

    Vodafone public work declines, with battles ahead


    VfUK’s position as a strong challenger on the supply of communications to government is under threat from the rise of Virgin Media, with its O2 merger plans likely to intensify competition. New contracts are still flowing through, but prospect of significant contract expiration by the end of 2020 flagged. ...

  • tfw143-people-6-farrell

    Telefónica Alumni people movements, May 2020


    Former Telefónica Ireland Director Paul Farrell gets spot at Virgin Media Television.

  • tfw143-20-virgin-media-engineer-o2

    Virgin Media builds backhaul business before O2 tie up


    Virgin Media positioning itself as a BT backhaul alternative, but appeal may be curbed by O2 links.

  • tfw#143-bench-green-red

    O2 and VM: cash in the attic and a new shop front


    While building a strong UK competitor is the headline motivation behind the plan to merge O2 UK and Virgin Media, for Telefónica the deal is a shining opportunity to get its Group finances in order. Structure of the JV suggests a key opening for Telefónica to bring its strong ...

  • btw-313-virgin-media-engineer
    Network & Infrastructure

    Virgin Media pressuring BT on mobile backhaul


    Key BT wholesale rival is on the front foot as mobile operators shop around for 5G backhaul.