Latest Strategy News – Page 83

  • Telefónica strengthens ties with Hispasat

    Telefónica strengthens ties with Hispasat


    Telefónica Hispanoamérica placing increasing focus on fibre and IPTV.

  • Q1 FY21: Final coronavirus quarter packs a punch

    Q1 FY21: final coronavirus quarter packs a punch


    Spain and Germany OBs stabilise as first wave of coronavirus shocks works its way through results. Vivo displaying underlying strength, but currency fluctuations continue to turn positives to negative. With strong returns on falling revenue O2 UK bows out as a ‘core four’ market Hispam edges back into the ...

  • dtw105-tt-top-team-shares
    Financial & Performance

    DT’s top team drops €4m on shares


    Leadership puts money where its mouth is following ambitious mid-term strategy update. German operator seeking to boost T-Share perceptions and align with T-Mobile US’ rising valuation.

  • vfw196-22b-shameel-joosub

    Q4 FY20–21: Vodacom turns to M&A to turbo-charge change


    Fibre expansion back on as Vodacom steps up diversification plans. Operator negotiating potential strategic partnerships across infrastructure assets, as it develops own take on Vodafone’s leaner and lighter TechCo vision. South African group-within-a-group being offered greater freedom by Vodafone than increasingly tightly-controlled businesses in Europe. One question, as it ...

  • tfw194-tt-tf-peru-cutting-workforce
    Strategy & Change

    Telefónica Peru set for further workforce cuts


    Hispam unit’s headcount reduction plans emerge as part of restructuring process. Layoffs to be given go ahead by MTPE, according to Peruvian news outlets. Move follows stark FY20 results.

  • dtw105-tt-deutsche-telekom-real-estate

    DT to halve real estate footprint in cost reduction drive


    Group will shutter 50% of its German real estate in the period to December 2024. Expected net savings could reach €200m. Reflective of a “new way of working” at T-Systems and TDE.

  • Nemat maps out ‘hyperscaler-plus’ ambition
    Strategy & Change

    Nemat maps out ‘hyperscaler-plus’ ambition


    Group Head of Technology & Innovation uses Capital Markets Day presentation to frame DT as increasingly “hyperscaler-like” on speed-to-market. Addition of “telco-grade” voice and network security, argues Nemat, gives DT advantage over big tech. Exec lauds “superior production model” compared with European peers. Greater network automation presented as key ...

  • DT’s deal-maker Langheim studies his share options

    DT’s deal-maker Langheim studies his share options


    The long journey to the top in the USA is not yet complete, but DT’s message is that patience is paying off and reiterates plans to take the number-one slot. European portfolio reshaping in pipeline, with Dutch “crown jewel” TMNL prepped for ownership rejig and carve-out of “kingmaker” tower ...

  • Gopalan puts Telekom on high fibre diet for FTTP gains
    Strategy & Change

    Gopalan puts Telekom on high fibre diet for FTTP gains


    FTTP opportunities and cost burden unsurprisingly top of agenda at Capital Markets Day. New TDE Chief Executive unveils multi-faceted plan to free cash and resource for pivotal mega-project. FibreCo JV, vendor rejig, and bigger capex pot among plans to fuel FTTP “acceleration”.

  • Höttges ruffles feathers as he presses DT’s lead
    Strategy & Change

    Deutsche Telekom: Capital Markets Day


    Capital Markets Day presentations show Group continuing to flourish thanks to big, correct calls over last decade. Group seeks to boost T-Share perceptions and better align itself with T-Mobile US’ rising valuation. Leadership puts money where its mouth is with bulk share buyup following ambitious mid-term strategy update. Höttges ...

  • Leroy not rocking boat with FY24 goals
    Strategy & Change

    Leroy not rocking boat with FY24 goals


    New regional CEO Dominique Leroy marking predecessor Srini Gopalan’s homework, and gives it an ‘A’. Similar plan laid out for Europe in next cycle, to maintain modest forward movement in revenue and earnings through service quality and efficiency improvement. Centralisation and cloudification of systems key targets in segment’s “next ...

  • T‑Systems turnaround match goes to a replay

    T-Systems turnaround match goes to a replay


    Patience again called for as T-Sys presents COVID-19-afflicted medium-term figures. Chief Al-Saleh wins postponement of positive cash flow target to FY23 as he seeks to realign T-Sys for new normal. More cost cuts coming in IT, infrastructure, and staff as T-Sys seeks to meet expanded savings target. DT wants ...

  • DT looks forward to big payday from US “racehorse”

    DT looks forward to big payday from US “racehorse”


    Praise and pragmatism for American powerhouse at Capital Markets Day. No clues on timing for securing NatCo majority, but Group not in a hurry. New twist in relationship as NatCo and Group collaborate on B2B services. “Trans-Atlantic synergies” boost TMUS enterprise plan. Sprint International assets left hanging amid B2B ...

  • dtw105-tt-tmus-trans-atlantic
    Enterprise (B2B)

    T-Mobile US and DT team up for transatlantic B2B services


    NatCo and Group collaborate on developing services for global businesses. “Transatlantic synergies” boost TMUS enterprise plan. Sprint International assets left hanging amid B2B manoeuvres.

  • dtw105-tt-tim-hottges-swipe
    Strategy & Change

    Höttges takes swipe at rivals over undisciplined “adventures”


    DT Chief Executive indicates that spending billions on sports rights is a risky business. Part-DT-owned BT criticised for stretching itself on football content acquisition.

  • dtw105-tt-kingmaker-tower
    Network & Infrastructure

    DT ready to carve out “kingmaker” tower assets


    Deutsche Telekom wants to carve out “all” of its towers across Europe, says CFO Christian Illek. Change in mindset comes following rapid rise in TowerCo valuations. Czech and Slovakian footprint next to be assessed for extraction from NatCos.

  • dtw105-tt-tmnl-dutch-m-and-a

    Deutsche Telekom pondering Dutch M&A options


    Group appears cold on possibility of buying out junior partner in T-Mobile Netherlands when options open up in January 2022. New tie-up or sale flagged as likelier outcomes.

  • Elsewhere in Vodafone Group
    Strategy & Change

    Elsewhere in Vodafone Group: Legal advisory panel refresh; Adobe trumpets VPC ties


    Vodafone cancels Arch Summit 2021; Group updates legal advice team; Adobe describes VPC ties as “crucial”.

  • tt-tmforum-human-factor
    Strategy & Change

    TM Forum puts skills gap in focus on the Human Factor


    Organisation warns that the telecoms industry risks losing the war on attracting new talent.

  • vfw196-tt-vodafone-results

    Q4 FY20–21: Vodafone Group goes off thrift script in Read ‘phase two’


    FY20–21 presentation sees reins eased off investment, but to an unknown degree, and with a focus on select target areas within leadership’s comfort zone. Increasingly dominant German operations to get a capex boost, along with ever-expanding central functions. Announcement of strategy tweak falls on stony ground, with City appearing ...