Latest Eventwatch Content – Page 15
Network & Infrastructure
Operators, other industries struggle for 5G commonality
5G expectations have been raised, and now need to be met: lots of talk of potential, but monetisation not clear cut. Scepticism over network readiness for advanced, challenging applications, such as in gaming and sport. Supplier establishment again chided for dragging feet on harmonisation and cloud-ification; operators stuck in ...
Innovation (R&D)
TM Forum champions APIs as telcos battle web giants
More big hitters are joining TMF’s Open API programme, although numbers remain lower than anticipated. Ongoing focus on standardisation and consistency saw a pause in API development to ensure strong foundations. Adoption of SDN and virtualisation is blurring the remit of traditional standards bodies.
Innovation (R&D)
TM Forum DTW19: 2019 Catalysts spark pragmatic innovation
Rundown of key Catalysts, joint initiatives. More than 30 joint technology projects demoed, with assurance, partnering, and customer experience to fore. Operator preoccupations ahead of 5G include profitability and effectiveness of network slicing. Drones, emergency services, and healthcare among focus verticals.
TM Forum’s DTW19 event underlines need for collaboration and speed
The telecoms industry’s annual pilgrimage to Nice on the French Riviera is set to take on a somewhat different tone in 2020. France has become inextricably linked with the flagship TM Forum (TMF) event – apart from two forgotten years in Dublin – but, following its rebranding as Digital Transformation World in 2018, the event now looks set to transfer to Copenhagen, apparently in order to provide more space.
Arch Summit 2019: Special Report
Arch Summit now established as a forum for Vodafone suppliers and partners. Wibergh teases-out Vodafone’s Technology 2025 strategy; fuelled by ‘radical simplification’ mantra, ‘Technology Communications Company’ goal. VPC’s Wilson walks-the-digital-walk with SCM Control Centre; outlines multi-dimensional supply chain (and partnering) vision. £50m-budget Group Foundation getting commercial with VBV investment ...
Strategy & Change
Wibergh trailers next five-year plan for Group Tech
Johan Wibergh, Chief Technology Officer of Vodafone, used the Arch Summit to provide a teaser on the Group’s coming “Technology 2025” strategic update, and a glimpse into leadership’s latest thinking about how it can protect revenue and relevance as challenges continue to mount.
Strategy & Change
VPC tightening up act with SCM Control Centre
Ninian Wilson, Global Supply Chain Director at Vodafone, used his keynote at Arch Summit to highlight ongoing digitisation of Vodafone Procurement Company’s (VPC) internal functions as it continues to spearhead efforts to drive cost out of the Group’s P&L.
Strategy & Change
Vodafone Group seeks to shore base with ‘One More Service’ plan
The Group is refreshing its defensive commercial strategy. Marginal-gains mission handed to all OpCos and central functions.
Startup Competition: Twin-tracks: Future Tech and Social Impact
Arch Summit now established on startup event circuit. Wide range of entries: newborns to scaleups; leftfield to serial entrepreneurs. Industry judges impress by out-performing the celebrities.
Strategy & Change
Vodafone Group Foundation joins play for innovation partnerships with Ventures arm
Vodafone’s Group Foundation is adds new, “commercial” layer to its Connecting for Good strategy.
Content & TV
Arch Summit 2019: Vodafone switching channel
Pay-TV highlighted at Arch Summit as a particular point of leverage for the Group when it comes to strengthening its consumer proposition.
Strategy & Change
Tomorrow Street bedded in, says exiting CEO
Cramer says more collaborative, matchmaking approach to partner innovation is paying off. Lessons learned from Group’s stifling of past startup acquisitions and investments. Technoport indicates Vodafone links adding value.
Vodafone Supplier Awards 2019: Ericsson shines
Ericsson steals the show, after years in Huawei and Nokia’s shadows. Ninian Wilson emphasises NPS as awards-driver.
Vodafone Group announce Supplier Awards 2018/19 at Arch Summit
Tomorrow Street’s Arch Summit 2019 hosted the 2018/19 Vodafone Supplier Awards in Luxembourg last night, in what is becoming a customary part of the annual event aimed around bridging the gap between corporations and startups.
Arch 2019: Vodafone’s ‘global innovation event’
Tomorrow Street’s Arch 2019 sees keynotes and supplier awards.
Arch Summit 2018: highlights from the event’s key presentations
Across the Arch Summit’s two days, presentations varied from the prestigious and insightful to the uncomfortable and downright weird.
Tomorrow Street “hugely strategic” — Wilson
Ninian Wilson stressed that Tomorrow Street is “hugely strategic” and unique.
Profile: Tech Mahindra at Arch Summit 2018
Technology services and solutions provider Tech Mahindra entered fully into the spirit of the Arch Summit 2018 by bringing six of its TechMNxt ecosystem startup associates, with members of the group catching up with Vodafonewatch.