Zzoomm: capital costs holding back build and consolidation

infra-tt-zzooomm matthew hare

Source: Zzoomm

At INCA Summit Zzoomm’s CEO Matthew Hare predicted a bright future for the sector, but current cost of capital is impeding expansion plans and complicating the path to consolidation.

This article includes:

  • Events: INCA Summit 2024.
  • Geographic: Newport; UK; Wales.
  • Organisations: BT Consumer; CityFibre; FullFibre; Gigaclear; INCA; nexfibre; Openreach; Sky; Virgin Media O2; Zzoomm.
  • People: Julian Smith; Matthew Hare; Paddy Paddison; Rachel Woolf; Rich Shawe.
  • Themes: EBITDA; M&A; Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA); altnet; broadband; capital investment; cash flow; consolidation; debt; equity; fibre; infrastructure; interest rates; retail; wholesale.

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