UK Infrawatch Weekly: Netomnia goes mobile; ESN mobilises; Freedom Fibre walks

infra-tt-uk briefing 1

Source: Netomnia

Latest from the digital infra scene in the UK, including altnet strategies on uptake acceleration; Project Gigabit and SRN updates; altnet and data centre investment plans; people moves, and plenty more…

This article includes:

  • Airband, AllPoints Fibre Networks, AP Wireless, Blackstone, BT, Callan Connect, CCN Communications, CityFibre, Cornerstone, County Broadband, Daisy Communications, Ericsson, Fibrus, Freedom Fibre, Giganet, Granemore Group, ICON, Independent Networks Cooperative Association (INCA), Jaguar Land Rover, Lazard, Liberty Global, Lit Fibre, NatWest Group, Netomnia, nexfibre, OCU Group, Ofcom, One Touch Switching Company Limited (TOTSCo), Openreach, Pod-Trak, Rocket Fibre Limited, Streetwave, TalkTalk, Vodafone, Virgin Media, West Midlands 5G (WM5G), Wildanet, and more.

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