UK FibreCo Netomnia mobile bolt-on to drive take-up

infra-tt-chelot interview

Source: Rodion Kutsaiev / Unsplash; Netomnia

Top-three fibre challenger targeting inertial BT/EE customer base with segment-first addition of mobile bolt-on. Maverick CEO Jeremy Chelot seeking to break through customer acquisition ceiling, drive up ARPU and retention, chase down Openreach…

This article includes:

  • Geographic: London; UK.
  • Organisations: AllPoint Fibre; BT Group; BT Consumer; CityFibre; Community Fibre; EE; Eight Advisory; Fern Trading; Gigaclear; Hyperoptic; Netomnia/ Brsk; nexfibre; Openreach; Point Topic; Vitrifi; Virgin Media O2; Vorboss.
  • People: Chris Stening; Jeremy Chelot; Mark Menzies.
  • Themes: Average revenue per user (ARPU); Fibre-to-the-home (FTTH/FTTP); Fixed–mobile convergence (FMC); Full-fibre; Mobile virtual network enabler (MVNE); MVNO; New EE; Overbuild; Take-up rate.

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