Orange, Eutelsat widen satellite services partnership

infra-tt-eutelsat orange mea

Source: Eutelsat

European pair to combine for Middle East and African satellite services, filling rural gaps and bolstering terrestrial infra.

This article includes:

  • Events: Mobile World Congress 2025.
  • Geographic: Africa; Belgium; Côte d’Ivoire; Democratic Republic of Congo; Europe; France; India; Jordan; Middle East; Nigeria; Senegal; Ukraine.
  • Organisations: AST SpaceMobile; Bharti Airtel; Clear Blue Technologies; Deutsche Telekom; Eutelsat; InterSAT; IRIS²; Liquid Dataport; Liquid Intelligent Technologies; MTN; NIGCOMSAT; OneWeb; Orange; Orange Africa and Middle East; Orange Group; Orange Wholesale; Q-KON; Starlink; Twoobii-LEO; Vodafone.
  • People: Christel Heydemann; Elon Musk; Jérôme Hénique; Michael Trabbia; Stephane Beyazian.
  • Themes: Digital sovereignty; KONNECT; KONNECT VHTS; LEO; Low Earth Orbit; Mobile network operators; SatCo; Satellite connectivity; Satellite services

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