KPN inaugurates new TowerCo after completing (another) ABP tie-up


Source: KPN

Dutch operator launches Althio JV, with portfolio of 3,800 sites. Move aligns with strategic goals to increase value of passive infra while retaining majority control over critical assets…

This article includes:

  • Organisations: ABP; Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM); APG; Althio; Cellnex Netherlands; Glaspoort; KPN; NOVEC; Open Tower Company; VodafoneZiggo.
  • Geographies: Europe; Netherlands.
  • People: Joost Farwerck; Chris Figee.
  • Themes: Consolidation; High-voltage pylons (HVP); Infrastructure; Investment; Macro sites; Mergers and acquisitions (M&A); Passive infrastructure; Regulation; Rooftop connectivity infrastructure; Strategy; TowerCos; Towers; Wireless infrastructure.

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