Helios Towers CEO casts vision for ‘symbiotic’ telco–energy expansion in Africa

infra-tt-tom greenwood helios

Source: Mission300 Africa

Tom Greenwood took to the Mission 300 Africa stage to promote mutual benefits of telco-energy provider partnerships, as both look to expand their respective footprints on the continent.

This article includes:

  • Events: Mission 300 Africa summit.
  • Geographic: Africa; Congo Brazzaville; Democratic Republic of Congo; Dar es Salaam; European Union; Ghana; Madagascar; Malawi; Oman; Senegal; South Africa; Tanzania.
  • Organisations: Africell; Airtel; AirtelTigo; CellC; ESCOM; Halotel; MTN; Orange; Ooredoo; Omantel; Telkom; Telma; Tigo; TNM; Vodacom; Vodafone.
  • People: Tom Greenwood.
  • Themes: Digital inclusion; Energy sector; Grid connections; Hybrid sites; Micro grid; Mobile operator; National grid; Net metering; Photovoltaic panels; Power-as-a-service; Solar power; Telecoms sector; Wind power.

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