Cordiant’s Emitel keeps watch for bolt-on tower buys


Source: Pexels / wd toro

Polish wireless infra operator exploring further acquisitions after bolt-on acquisitions over recent years help to drive revenue growth.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: American Tower (ATC); BT Ireland; Cellnex Poland; Cordiant Digital Infrastructure; DCU Invest; Emitel; EM Cast; Enet; Hudson Interxchange; Magnet; NetWorks; Norkring België; OnTower Poland; Orange Poland; Play; Plus; Polkomtel Infrastruktura; Proximus; PSN Infrastruktura; RTTS; Speed Fibre; T-Mobile Poland (TMPL).
  • Geographies: Belgium; Czechia; Europe; Ireland; North America; Poland; United States of America (USA).
  • Themes: Broadcast infrastructure; Build-to-suit (BTS); Data centres; Digital infrastructure; Distributed antenna systems (DAS); Enterprise (B2B); Fibre (FTTP); FibreCos; Infrastructure; Internet of Things (IoT); Mergers and acquisitions (M&A); Mobile networks; Radio broadcast infrastructure; Strategy; Telecoms infrastructure; TowerCos; Towers; Wholesale; Wireless infra.

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