2025: the year UK FibreCo cash becomes king?


Source: Freepik

This year may see further billions injected into altnets to pump-prime M&A consolidation, while 2026 could start to see what the end-state looks like (third scale player or continued swarm).

This article includes:

  • Organisations: BT Group; CityFibre; Community Fibre; Cube Infrastructure Managers; DigitalBridge; F&W Networks; G.Network; Infracapital; ITS; Liberty Global; Macquarie; Octopus Investments; Telefonica Group; Netomnia; nexfibre; Openreach; Sky; Virgin Media O2; Voneus.
  • Geographic: London; Spain; United Kingdom.
  • People: Jeremy Chelot.
  • Themes: Asset light model; B2B; Broadband networks; Capex; Copper decommissioning; Equinox 3; Fibre altnets; Fibre aggregator; Free cashflow; Infrastructure investment; M&A (mergers and acquisitions); NetCo model; Network compatibility; PIA; Profitability metrics (runway, opex); Project Gigabit synergies; Pureplay wholesale model; Secondary players; Take-up rates.

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