All G.Network articles
Weekly Briefings
UK Infrawatch Weekly: UK satellite taking off; Equitix bailing on Gigaclear?
Latest from the digital infra scene in the UK, including the latest on public sector network investment; a rapidly developing SatComms scene; signs of Equitix edging away from Gigaclear, and plenty more…
Weekly Briefings
Infrawatch Weekly: Ofcom spectrum plans, open RAN wins, INCA treasure
Latest from the digital infra scene in the UK and beyond, including Nokia wins DT open RAN deal; Ofcom weighs SatCom opportunities; altnets debate wireless options; and plenty more…
Financial & Performance
Clock ticking for UK altnet Spring Fibre as administration looms
A notice of intention to enter administration has been submitted, with the altnet having until the end of the week to find a solution for its financial situation or appoint an administrator.
Weekly Briefings
Infrawatch Weekly: TowerCos face churn, altnets’ £800m losses, TalkTalk rapped
Latest from the digital infra scene in the Europe and beyond, including another £16m on the £800m UK altnet losses pile; £6bn datacentre boost; European TowerCo consolidation mooted, and plenty more…
Weekly Briefings
Infrawatch Weekly: telco politics across Europe, infra sell-offs, new UK fibre leader pops up
Latest from the digital infra scene in Europe and beyond, including: Draghi’s plans for Euro consolidation; One Touch Switch impact; another LEO constellation funded; $40bn data centre IPO looms; people moves; plenty more…
Weekly Briefings
Infrawatch Weekly: CityFibre’s Sky swoop; altnet financial ups and downs; Euro data centre cashouts
Latest from digital infra scene in UK and beyond, including: UK fibre altnets posting substantial losses but building up valuable assets; signs that direction of UK state infra investment may be getting a rethink; European data centre sales plans; latest people moves, and plenty more…
Weekly Briefings
Infrawatch Weekly: UK altnet consolidation, Spanish fibre innovation, data centre energy conservation
London‑based G.Network is said to be in demand as financial advisors consider a response to mooted acquisitions.
G.Network: London FibreCo being prepped for trade sale?
Sky News reported anonymous sources claiming the sizeable London fibre provider has hired bankers after being approached by potential buyers. Investors USS and Cube recently rejigging. Potential compatible buyers identified…
Weekly Briefings
Infrawatch Weekly: innovation fuelling investment, data centres bringing in cash
Latest from the digital infra scene in the UK and beyond, including billions of dollars flood into data centres, race for satellite mobility drives innovation, ongoing UK efforts to make infrastructure-sharing a viable option; people moves, and plenty more…
Network & Infrastructure
25G/50G slow-go: Openreach may hold out till 2030s on next-gen fibre tech
In depth report — two of the UK’s biggest fibre wholesalers have dampened expectations of imminent 25G and 50G PON upgrades, despite prep-work. Virgin Media O2-backed nexfibre sees no “imminent” case for commercial launch. Openreach also wants greater energy efficiency and to maximise older-gen GPON value extraction, with point-to-point eyed for enterprise. Read more…
Weekly Briefings
Infrawatch Weekly: billion-pound network investments, digital inclusivity, and French fibre M&A on the menu
VM O2 moves to forge UK NetCo/ServCo split in operations; associate nexfibre to remain separate, commits £1bn to 2024 build; Orange CEO suggests M&A still on agenda to expand domestic fibre footprint; TalkTalk in negotiations over wholesale arm sale; much more…
Network & Infrastructure
The Backfill: Infratil, L&G up stakes in UK data centre player
Infratil and L&G Capital boost funding for Kao Data’s UK expansion efforts.
Cash-rich UK altnet snags more senior BT Group execs
G.Network appoints former BT and Openreach man Jon Hurry as Chief Commercial Officer as part of management revamp; Carl Grose, ex‑Openreach, joins as Chief Operations Officer.
Network & Infrastructure
The Backfill: InfraVia fuels energy transition with new metals fund
InfraVia Capital Partners launches Critical Metals Fund to support transition to renewable energy sources.
‘Not all overbuild is equal’: Vorboss CEO seeks foothold in London fibre future
Tim Creswick, CEO at London altnet Vorboss, says that sharing geographical space does not mean network equivalency. Decries incumbents’ “national technical debt” in UK and elsewhere in Europe.