All the latest key telecoms and digital infra insight, news and analysis from Spain.
Munich‑based supplier signed its first group deal with Orange in 2018.
Ruling on legality of MásOrange’s redundancy plan delayed to end of next month as unions fight to protect 650 jobs at the recently merged operator.
Operator enlists Barcelona-based analytics tech vendor to help cut out video glitches across eight European territories.
This is a developing story. Chairman and CEO José María Álvarez-Pallete forced out at board meeting. Financial markets may take badly to implications of seeming boardroom coup by Spanish state, including shock arrival of comparative unknown successor with history of state affiliation. Read latest update…
Cellnex has the urge to merge in Spain after flurry of telco M&A has left too many TowerCos chasing too few mobile network operators.
Meinrad Spenger proposes changes after charges reportedly led to joint venture’s failure to find a buyer for surplus 3.5GHz rights.
Operator to retain regulatory obligations to ensure universal internet access and voice service provision in Spain until end of 2026, as other operators not keen to take over role. Regulator CNMC proposes that government enforce further speed and data volume upgrades… Normal 0 ...
Reports highlight how Spanish telco and infra players, having established lead on push from copper to fibre, are now looking to iron out footprint imbalances across urban and rural areas. Read more…
New Copper Switch‑Off Tracker names and shames markets that are dragging their feet on legacy network closures ahead of European Commission’s 2030 target date.
Market seen in self-adjustment mode to smooth out overlaps between FibreCo estates while also filling gap between urban and rural FTTH coverage.
Spain-focused partnership aims to bring coherence to factories’ IT and networks estates, using meld of Siemens and Telefónica tech.