All Fibre Challengers articles – Page 9
Public Affairs
DCMS told to get a grip on Project Gigabit
“Disappointed” accounts committee frustrated by lack of measurable progress and clear plans for reaching 2025 target of 85% ultrafast coverage. Department blasted for lack of meaningful legislation on removal of barriers to deployment. DCMS still seeking clarity from operators on national rollout plans.
Network & Infrastructure
Altnets prep fibre wholesale platforms to rival Openreach
Two platforms aim to create full-fibre marketplaces for altnets and resellers. Signs of confederation among the UK’s 80-plus altnets, as wholesale competition heats up. Platforms facilitate Project Gigabit wholesale mandates and One-Touch Switching.
Network & Infrastructure
How CityFibre rolls with supply chain turbulence
Fibre builders not immune from global supply chain chaos. UK altnets feeling the pinch in chip and labour shortages, alongside rising costs. CityFibre supply chain director shares mitigation tactics.
Public Affairs
Altnets gird for legal battle over Openreach FTTP pricing — report
CityFibre said to be heading up legal challenge to Ofcom’s Equinox decision. Rural fibre builder Gigaclear among altnets joining forces to fight back against Openreach’s lower FTTP pricing structure.
Network & Infrastructure
Colloms: DCMS must “crack on” with reform to back fibre
Openreach MD of Corporate Affairs confident on business’s ability to meet government goals on fibre deployment, but commercial programme will need support to maintain momentum. Physical access to sites potentially a huge obstacle to the rollout in both urban and rural areas, but “common sense” updates to legislation could ...
Strategy & Change
Jansen battle-ready as competition grows on two fronts
BT CEO returns to pre-pandemic promises of a more robust defence of BT’s market position, on price if necessary. Speculation on heightened wholesale competition comes as Openreach Equinox fibre pricing looks set to reinforce the Group’s strong position. Retail threats may be more pressing for the incumbent as Sky ...
Public Affairs
Openreach gets Ofcom green light for new FTTP pricing
Cheaper “Equinox” wholesale pricing offer to start on 1 October. Ofcom confirms no action needed on Openreach offer. Fibre altnets strongly opposed and considering next steps.
Network & Infrastructure
BT’s Watson highlights fibre’s central place in network ‘jigsaw’
CTO plays down fixed wireless’s role in meeting UK’s connectivity challenge. CityFibre and Hyperoptic welcome Ofcom’s WFTMR, but want Openreach to remain under strict scrutiny. Virgin Media O2 something of an elephant in the room as altnets pitch themselves as more agile rivals.
Altnets object to Openreach FTTP price proposal
Regulatory spat over wholesale FTTP pricing spills out into the open. Openreach says new prices offer certainty and encourage FTTP take-up. Fibre rivals claim the cheaper wholesale pricing scheme will reduce infrastructure competition and deter investment. Ofcom provisionally says no action needed, but final decision is expected by the ...
Strategy & Change
Elsewhere in Openreach; expanded FTTP rollout
Openreach expands FTTP rollout, and expands cablelaying contracts to support the plans.
Network & Infrastructure
Jansen now sees BT chasing 30 million premises with full-fibre
Extra five million presented as ‘infill’ and presumably more rural. Immediate competitive riposte to news of Virgin Media O2 FTTP retrofit, which it neatly doubles. Jansen says BT not concerned, but challenger altnets should be. No rush for fibre JV partner, but Jansen reveals a UK compatriot would be ...
VM O2 bites bullet and pledges fibre future
A future upgrade of VM O2 fixed infrastructure will see coaxial cable edged out and fibre deployed throughout the operator’s footprint. Switching to XGSPON instead of DOCSIS 4.0 pricy, but manageable within modest budgets and with multiple longer term benefits. Pragmatic approach to fibre is partly driven by the ...
Network & Infrastructure
DT cash flows to Community Fibre amid altnet boom
Urban fibre outfitter backed by BT stakeholder Deutsche Telekom accelerates growth, as challenge to Openreach builds.
Public Affairs
Ofcom gives BT fibre pricing freedom, but adds burdens
Openreach not to face caps or controls on national ultrafast pricing until 2031, as long as it is “fair and reasonable”. Locally-targeted pricing from Openreach prohibited as Ofcom seeks to protect emerging altnets. BT Consumer may lose some edge from 90 day notice period for new propositions from Openreach. ...
Financial & Performance
Openreach fibre thrives but volume deal prospects fade
A strong quarter and half-year for the access services business demonstrates building momentum for fibre services in the face of the pandemic. Anticipated long-term volume deals may not materialise, but associated competitive pressure may help BT arguments on the need for a ‘fair bet’ from Ofcom.
Spanish altnet MÁSMÓVIL hits takeover turbulence
Activist investor tries to foil private equity buyout.
Ofcom clearing path for BT fibre acceleration
Ofcom looks set to play its part in ensuring Openreach can hit, or raise, its mid-2020s fibre targets. Regulator attempting to balance encouragement of simultaneous investment from BT and fibre altnets through geographic regulation, with safeguards to prevent overly vigorous strategic defences from the incumbent. Openreach given at least ...
Openreach delays on-boarding full-fibre know-how
Openreach stalls boardroom re-jig to add more full-fibre expertise amid concerns of growing BT influence. Strategic thinker Sherman considered a risk to Openreach independence by key CP customers, although Ofcom management said to be on board.
Openreach wins all three lots of Scottish R100 contract
While superfast service gaps still need to be plugged, Openreach will be bringing full-fibre to remote regions as part of latest Scottish deals. Lack of contract competition underlines need for government-driven action to deliver connectivity to remote areas.
Public Affairs
Labour promises nationalised free broadband for all — BTwatch’s first take
Considerable speculation and debate on the future of UK communications infrastructure and the sector was sparked by a new Labour Party policy. In its Manifesto for the upcoming UK General Election, Labour is committing to the nationalisation of major elements of BT Group that relate to the provision of ...