Magyar Telekom moves ahead with tower carve-out

dtw143-tt-magyar telekom tower split

Source: Magyar Telekom

Deutsche Telekom’s Hungarian NatCo is taking next steps to separate its tower assets into a subsidiary and could complete the split by the end of 2025, if all goes to plan.

This article includes:

  • Events: Capital Markets Day; DT Group FY24 earnings call.
  • Geographic: Austria; Croatia; Czech Republic; Europe; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Slovakia.
  • Organisations: 4iG; CETIN Group; CETIN Hungary; Deutsche Telekom; GD Towers; Magyar Telekom; PPF Group; Telenor Hungary; Vantage Towers; Vodafone Hungary; Vodafone Magyarország Toronyvállalat; Yettel Hungary.
  • People: Thorsten Langheim; Tibor Rékasi.
  • Themes: EBITDA; Gigabit-capable access points; HUF; NatCo; TowerCo; broadband; carve-out; consolidation; fixed-line; infrastructure; mobile; passive infra; radio network modernisation; revenue; subsidiary; tower assets; wireless infrastructure.

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