European Commission raises ‘serious doubts’ as Hungary plots wholesale broadband changes

dtw140-tt-hungary regulation

Source: Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Brussels raises “serious doubts” about the legality of Hungary’s plans to regulate wholesale broadband access, leaving telcos in limbo.

This article includes:

  • Organisations: Body of European Regulators; Deutsche Telekom; European Commission (EC); European Union (EU); Magyar Telekom; National Media and Communications Authority; Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság; One Hungary; Vodafone Hungary; 4iG.
  • Geographic: Brussels; Central and Eastern Europe; Europe; Hungary.
  • Themes: Broadband; EU law; Ex ante regulation; Fixed infrastructure; Gigabit networks; IT services; Mobile infrastructure; Significant market power; Systems integration; Telecoms infrastructure; Wholesale broadband access.

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